Course Overview

Details from Training.gov.au Current 

If you are a people-person, there is a great hospitality career waiting for you. This course is ideal for those who are already working in hospitality on a casual or full-time basis but want to move up to a lower management or supervisory role, or perhaps you want to start a new career in hospitality. The Diploma of Hospitality Management will teach you the skills required to thrive in the hospitality industry and combines practical skills with contextualised business and management knowledge. This course offers you a scope for career progression that goes well beyond the hospitality industry.

This qualification provides the skills and knowledge for an individual to be competent as a manager in any hospitality functional area. This individual would possess a sound theoretical knowledge base and be able to use a range of specialised, technical or managerial competencies to plan, carry out and evaluate their own work and/or the work of their team.

Pathways into the qualification
It is strongly recommended that individuals undertake lower level qualifications, and/or gain industry experience prior to entering SIT50422 Diploma of Hospitality Management . However this is not mandatory.

Career Opportunities 

Successful completion of the qualification with relevant industry experience could allow students to gain employment in the general hospitality industry including hotels, motels, restaurants, clubs and other hospitality establishments. A Diploma of Hospitality Management reflects the role of a Manager in any hospitality functional area. The course provides participants with the core competencies required to manage staff and facilities within the hospitality industry. This include Communication skills , Teamwork Skills, Problem Solving Skills , Initiative & Enterprise . Planning & Organising , and Self Management .Examples of career paths include Restaurant Manager, Kitchen Manager/Chef, Gaming Manager in a club, Manager of a café or small restaurant, Motel owner/Manager.

On successful completion of this course , graduates may consider further study at a higher tertiary level within the vocational education & training sector.

To achieve a Diploma of Hospitality Management,

28 units must be completed:

  • 11 core units
  • 17 elective units, consisting of:
  • 1 unit from Group A
  • 1 unit from Group B
  • 11 units from Group C
  • 4 units from Group C, Group D, elsewhere in the SIT Training Package, or any other current Training Package or accredited course.

The selection of electives must be guided by the job outcome sought, local industry requirements and the complexity of skills appropriate to the AQF level of this qualification.

Note: Units marked with * have one or more prerequisites. Refer to individual units for details.

Units of Competency & Course structure

ANTS  will integrate the activities in the workplacement  for a number of units that reflect real industry outcomes and processes. Set out below are a series of modules  that individuals achieve in a work-like context providing the framework for industry relevant learning.

A student may enroll in one or more units of competency listed below and once assessed as competent in the unit may be issued a statements of attainment .

11 Core Units are as follows:-

SITXCCS015     Enhance customer service experiences

SITXCCS016     Develop and manage quality customer service practices

SITXCOM010   Manage conflict

SITXFIN009      Manage finances within a budget

SITXFIN010      Prepare and monitor budgets

SITXGLC002     Identify and manage legal risks and comply with law

SITXHRM008   Roster staff

SITXHRM009   Lead and manage people

SITXMGT004   Monitor work operations

SITXMGT005   Establish and conduct business relationships

SITXWHS007   Implement and monitor work health and safety practices

Elective Units are as follows:-

SITHIND005     Use hygienic practices for hospitality service

SITHGAM022   Provide responsible gambling services

SITHFAB021    Provide responsible service of alcohol

SITHFAB036    Provide advice on food

SITHFAB023*  Operate a bar

SITHFAB034*  Provide table service of food and beverage

SITHFAB027*  Serve food and beverage

SITHFAB032*  Provide advice on Australian wines

SITHIND008     Work effectively in hospitality service

BSBCMM411   Make presentations
SITEEVT023     Plan in-house events

BSBTWK503    Manage meetings

SITXHRM012   Monitor staff performance
SITXHRM010   Recruit, select and induct staff

SITHIND006     Source and use information on the hospitality industry

SITXCCS013     Provide club reception services


Students will be assessed throughout the course and will be required to demonstrate that they are able to perform tasks as outlined in the competencies for each module. Assessment is competency bases and non-graded. Students are assessed in a variety of ways during practical and theory classes and during function and events. Assessments will include

– Discussion/question and answer

– Learning resource

– Observation

R – Role play (in class)

P – Project/Portfolio & Training Placement Book

A – Assignment/assessment activities

– Worksheets

V – Validation questions

T– Third Party Report

On the Job / Employment 

Industry employment consolidates learning and makes transition from study to work easier for all parties. The greater the amount of workplace practice , the greater the chance for the student to achieve learning outcomes. Employment  is an essential part of this course.

Course commencement date:



Please contact ANTS TRAINING 0419 256 101 

Course Duration:

18 months (consists of  6 x 10 week terms)

(30 hours per week – this includes hours that are Face to Face in a Class Room plus hours to gain experience on the Job Employment.

Entry Requirements:

It is the preference of ANTS Consulting that trainees who wish to enrol in this Diploma of Hospitality Management (SIT50422) current employment or 6 months industry experience and be over the age of 18 years. ANTS  Consulting Services Pty Ltd – focuses on training for trainees that are presently employed in industry.

Pre-Training Form

  1. A Literacy, Language and Numeracy assessment – which should take between 30-60 minutes.
  2. Proof of ID
  3. Pre-Training Review Form – which is not a test but a government requirement you must complete before we can offer you a enrollement.  It allows ANTS to understand why you would like to study your course and what your careers goals are. We can also ensure that you enrol in the correct course.


Ants Consultancy Services offer training on the clients site or a suitable training facility can be arranged .

Facilities will include access to fully equipped bar, restaurant & function rooms and Office.

Delivery Methods:

The delivery of SIT50422 Diploma of Hospitality Management delivered using a blended flexible learning model.

This course is designed to reflect  industry standards.

Teaching methods include: face to face , practical exercises, group projects , on the job and simulated work environments.

 Students are expected to be employed in industry while undertaking this course .

Students will also be required to complete extra study and assessments either at home or at a workplace.

Advanced Standing (Credit,RPL)Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) ,  Recognition of Current Competencies (RCC) or Credit Transfer provides students an  opportunity to have their current skills & competencies recognised according to the reviews of Wunder-Mold. These skills &  competencies may relate to units students are about to commence & as a result can  exempt them from studying these units. The process requires students to gather  evidence confirming their competency .Please call ANTS to discuss the process.


Upon successful completion of the course and industry component , students will receive a

SIT50422 Diploma of Hospitality Management

  • Testamurs will be issued  to learner once they have met the requirements of the  SIT50422 Diploma of Hospitality Management qualification and a record of results will accompany the testamur),

Students enrolled in a Unit of competency that is in the above list.

  • Statements of attainment will be issued to certify the completion of one or more units from the above qualification.

Please Note: ANTS is committed to ensuring the Authenticity of the documentation, in a form to reduce fraud, including the organisations seal, corporate  identifier and  unique watermark.

Support Services

Ants Consulting undertakes duty of care towards students and can organise external support services. Please advise Ants should you require further assistance.



To enrol please complete the attached  Enrolment Form and read the relevant policies prior to completing the enrolment form or for more information, please contact Ants Consultancy

Telephone: 0419 256 101
Mail: 35-37 Stanley Rd EPPING NSW  2121 or P.O Box 6283 Park Beach Plaza 2450
Email: info@antsconsultng.com.au
Find us at: www.antsconsulting.com.au
18 Months


Trainees should be in employment / Training is conducted at the clients premises


Contact a consultant –
0419 256 101

cost : The cost of the course should be discussed with the consultant as it depends on the organisation and number of students booked in group.



Need More Information

Click to get more information or call a consultant on 0419256101